Resources and synergies development

Forêts et Changement Climatique au Congo (FCCC)

The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) has contracted R&SD to jointly manage FCCC Project funded by a European Union instrument, i.e. the Global Climate Change Alliance. The project is implemented in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The project aims at strengthening the capacity of four universities including the University of Kisangani in Eastern Province as well as the universities of Graben in Butembo, and the universities of Goma and Bukavu (North and South Kivu Provinces). The project support a range of BSc, MSc and PhD teaching and research programmes. In Nort Kivu Province, FCCC and its partners conduct activities including agrofrestry operations (with a target of 3.000 ha in area) and natural forest rehabilitation in Virunga National Park (with a target of 5.000 ha in area).

Project budget and duration: 12,5 million € and 47 months, ending December 2016.